Blenheim EquiSports believes in paving the pathway for young horses to reach their potential. One of the first to initiate cost saving opportunities to develop young horses, with the support of sponsors such as Fairbanks Valley Farms, each show Blenheim EquiSports offers the Young Jumpers discounted stall rates, and free entries in all division classes, including the YJC qualifiers, as well as one other non-prize money jumper class. There’s no better place for these youngsters to prepare for the Young Jumper Championships in the fall, not to mention their future as a show jumper.
Bringing along young horses is a highlight for Natasha Traurig, who rides for Neil Jones Equestrian. Although she works with a variety of sale horses daily, she takes the time to find the unique qualities of each one. She shared a bit about more about Genesis, a 7-year-old Dutch gelding she’s been piloting around the Young Jumpers this year.
Barn Name: Johnny
I picked the barn name after Cartoon Network’s “Johnny Bravo” character because he absolutely resembles that confident personality!
Breeding: Eldorado van de Zeshoek x Odermus R

Natasha Traurig and Genesis. Photo by McCool.
What quality attracted you to this young horse the most?
I am honored and grateful to have Genesis featured in this article – I love this horse! The day he arrived from Europe, he walked around the property of his new home like he owned the place! It is his confident presence and poise that first attracted me to him. And he definitely has the talent to back it up. Genesis loves the spotlight of being in the show ring and is always eager to jump. I think he really finds the sport fun and enjoys new challenges set for him along his learning journey.
How does Blenheim’s Young Jumper Series affect your horse’s development?
Blenheim helps tremendously, not just financially but with fair progression of courses and challenges presented to young horses. I think Genesis has enjoyed his first few months here in the United States because of the quality of courses and classes offered that has allowed him to improve his performances every show.
What is the most rewarding aspect of bringing along a young horse?
There are so many rewarding aspects when it comes to producing a young horse. Every youngster is different in spirit and ability, and it’s fun to both work and play with each one, adjusting your training to suit what each one needs to progress. I think it’s an important facet in our profession to be able to bring along and create a horse in today’s sport. It’s a great feeling to be proud of the successes you have garnered on a young horse you have produced.
What is your favorite exercise for a young horse?
This is very personal to the type of horse and what exactly each one needs in their education. But, as a staple in the foundation of every young horse, I am adamant about building rhythm, balance, and strength through proper flatwork. I always try to build a more rideable and adjustable young horse through flat work and exercises over poles on the ground. I think that having this foundation allows for better training and confidence over fences and courses.