Long Term Storage/Parking

Blenheim EquiSports offers trailer parking for exhibitors, providing convenience before, during, and in between show weeks.

However, due to limited space at The Riding Park facility and the numerous events hosted, all trailers and personal property must be removed by 10 p.m. on the final day of the entered show. Exhibitors and vendors seeking to keep their trailers on-site can do so with prior authorization from Action Sports Management, signing a waiver, and paying $200 per week. Please note that there is no daily rental option during non-horse show weeks. Approval for on-site parking is contingent upon written confirmation and payment.

Approved trailers must visibly display a valid parking pass, failure to comply may result in towing at the owner’s expense. 

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring smooth operations at our facility.

To apply for a parking permit, please complete the Storage Lease Agreement and Credit Card Authorization,  and prior to arrival, email it to Andrea Heslington andrea@theplacetojump.com