EHV-1 Update & Horse Health Protocols

Feb 28, 2022 | Featured, Press Releases

Blenheim EquiSports is dedicated to the health, welfare, and safety of all exhibitors, both equine and human.

In response to the positive cases of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) and Equine Herpes Virus-1 (EHV-1) in California, Blenheim EquiSports (BES) is working closely with federal, state, and local experts to implement the best protocols to keep horses and humans safe.

To assist you in making informed decisions, we will continue to update everyone as we get closer to the start of our season, beginning March 30th.

As of now, our plans are based on the USEF Return to Competition Protocols and California Hunter/Jumper Calendar in March, sent to all members on February 28, 2022, the FEI Horse Health Requirements, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) guidelines, and other best practices.

For any horse that has been at a California competition after January 28th OR has been exposed to any horse that has been at a California competition after January 28th OR has been stabled at a facility that has had a positive EHV-1 case, one of the following criteria must be met and provided to BES Management before entering the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park:


  • Two samples taken using nasopharyngeal swabs must be analyzed by PCR testing on day 7 and day 14. Day 0 is considered to be the day your horse left the venue at Thermal or Rancho Murieta, whichever occurred later. Both swabs must result in negative test results to EHV-1.

If either of the tests generate a positive result, the horse must remain in isolation and be re-tested. It is necessary to have two negative test results, taken at least seven days apart to fulfill USEF requirements.


  • The horse must be isolated for 21 days, rectal temperature must be taken and recorded during the isolation period, and samples must be taken after day 21 using a nasopharyngeal swab to test for EHV-1 via PCR analysis. Day 0 is considered to be the day your horse left the venue.

The swab must result in negative PCR test result to EHV-1. If the tests generate a positive result, the horse must remain in isolation for a further seven days and be re-tested.

Test results must be submitted via the ONLINE FORM on the BES website (coming soon) to obtain clearance to compete.

Non-competing horses are not permitted on the showgrounds
Horses that are not entered into the competition via ShowGroundsLive or FEI Entry Portal are not allowed to enter the facility.

Schedule your move-in time
To avoid overcrowding while horses are moving onto the showgrounds, we will provide assigned move-in times, as we do for the Las Vegas National Horse Show.

The online calendar to schedule move-in times will be available soon.

Upon arrival at the Blenheim EquiSports showgrounds, we will require:

Temperature logs reporting twice-daily temperatures of each horse for 14 days leading up to arrival.

Horse vaccination records, including horse’s name, date of vaccine and batch numbers, attested by your veterinarian.
Please make sure that the horse’s show name matches its vaccine records before entering the showgrounds as these documents will be checked prior to unloading any animal.

During the show:

  • All horses must display their entry number when outside their stall.
  • Temperature checks must be performed twice daily for all horses on the property.
  • Temperatures must be recorded on the temperature log posted on each stall. If there is an elevated temperature for more than a 24-hour period, please consult the show veterinarian immediately and report the situation to management.
  • Isolation stalls will be available either on the grounds or at a local veterinary practice if the need arises.

Complete details of Blenheim EquiSports’ Equine Health & Biosecurity Requirements can be found by clicking on the button, below.

Reminder For Horses Competing In FEI Classes During Blenheim Spring Classic I

FEI Horse Health Requirements Effective January 1, 2022:

The following information must be entered in the FEI HorseApp:

  • Two daily temperature readings for every horse that will be present at the FEI event for three days leading up to the arrival at an FEI Event
  • Fill in the Horse Health FEI Self Certification Form for all horses attending the FEI Event
  • Taking and entering of two daily temperature readings for each horse while at a FEI Event

Sanctions for non-compliance are in force for horses competing at FEI Events.

Additional information: How To

For help setting up your account or issues using the HorseApp please contact: [email protected]

As a general reminder, nose-to-nose contact between horses should be limited and sharing equipment (tack or feeding) between horses should be avoided unless thoroughly disinfected between uses. 

Thank you for your patience and diligent attention in protecting the health of our equine partners.

 Please feel free to send any questions to [email protected]

 We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park at San Juan Capistrano for the Blenheim EquiSports 2022 season.

 The entire team at Blenheim EquiSports